.. _development: Development =========== Skosprovider_heritagedata is being developed by the `Flanders Heritage Agency`_. Since we place a lot of importance on code quality, we expect to have a good amount of code coverage present and run frequent unit tests. All commits and pull requests will be tested with `Travis-ci`_. Code coverage is being monitored with `Coveralls`_. Locally you can run unit tests by using `pytest`_ or `tox`_. Running pytest manually is good for running a distinct set of unit tests. For a full test run, tox is preferred since this can run the unit tests against multiple versions of python. .. code-block:: bash # Setup for development $ python setup.py develop # Run unit tests for all environments $ tox # No coverage $ py.test # Coverage $ py.test --cov skosprovider_heritagedata --cov-report term-missing tests # Only run a subset of the tests $ py.test skosprovider_heritagedata/tests/test_providers.py Please provide new unit tests to maintain 100% coverage. If you send us a pull request and this build doesn't function, please correct the issue at hand or let us know why it's not working. .. _Flanders Heritage Agency: https://www.onroerenderfgoed.be .. _Travis-ci: https://travis-ci.org/OnroerendErfgoed/skosprovider_heritagedata .. _Coveralls: https://coveralls.io/r/OnroerendErfgoed/skosprovider_heritagedata .. _pytest: http://pytest.org .. _tox: http://tox.readthedocs.org